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パイル織部分     アクリル100%

パイル織土台部分 ポリエステル100%
別布           綿55%/ポリエステル45%

フリル部分    綿100%


Pile woven part     100%Acrylic

Pile woven base part 100%Polyester
Other part      55%cotton/45%Polyester

Frill part       100%cotton





A double-layered skirt item that mainly uses a gorgeous and three-dimensional pile jacquard made of acrylic / polyester material.

The outside is made of a large flower basket pattern that makes the best use of the unevenness that is characteristic of pile weave.

The inside is made of cotton / polyester with plenty of plain frills to make it move, and cotton is put inside to give it a bulge.




Colours and textures may differ depending on your operating environment.



Please be sure to read “Attention” before purchasing.



All products photographed here are samples. You may find slight differences in actual products.

Pile Jacquard Skirt Flower Basket

SKU : TR21F-SK001
97 900¥Prix
TVA Incluse
  • 毎月15日までと末日までが受注期間となります

    Every month, until the 15th and the last day will be the ordering period

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