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本体   毛90% ナイロン10%
別布 ナイロン100%


Body part 90%wool 10%nylon
Other part 100%nylon


ゆとりのあるシルエットのコートに、たっぷりのフリルと柄の切り替えの面白さ、 外付けのポケットなどデザイン性のあるアイテムです。 色々なアイテムとコーディネートをお楽しみいただけます。

This coat item is mainly made of two original fabrics, stripe and tartan, using wool / nylon thread and good texture.

With a spacious silhouette coat, plenty of frills and interesting pattern switching, and an external design pocket.

You can enjoy various items and coordination.




Colours and textures may differ depending on your operating environment.



Please be sure to read “Attention” before purchasing.



All products photographed here are samples. You may find slight differences in actual products.

Stripe Red Coat

SKU: TR19F-CT001
Sales Tax Included
  • 毎月15日までと末日までが受注期間となります

    Every month, until the 15th and the last day will be the ordering period

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